Ev interiors



Interior designers in eranakulam play a central role in crafting inviting and visually appealing spaces, and interior design cannot be overemphasized. Interior design plays an essential part in shaping the atmosphere, inducing mood changes, and improving overall well-being. Careful consideration goes far beyond mere aesthetics; thoughtful interior design encourages comfort, functionality, and harmony within its surrounding environments.

The importance of interior design lies in its ability to harmonize functionality and aesthetics, crafting spaces like dining room, kids room, living room, modular kitchen etc  that not only serve practical purposes but also enhance the overall ambiance and well-being of those who inhabit them. Interior design goes far beyond simple decorating; it serves a dual function by seamlessly merging functionality and aesthetics. Every detail in a room should be designed to optimize usability and efficiency; when done right, interiors improve both their functional aspects as well as visual appeal.

Nestled at the heart of Kerala, Ernakulam stands out with its unique and vibrant interior design scene that perfectly fuses tradition and contemporary trends.EV Interiors, one of the leading Interior Designers in Ernakulam,  stand out with its intricate traditional architecture and the creative use of sustainable materials. Join us as we journey into Ernakulam’s exciting interior design world, where every space stands as a reminder of its distinct blend of tradition and modernity. Unlock the secrets to creating comfortable yet appealing environments that not only please the eye but also soothe the soul – best interior designers in kerala.


Architectural Planning

At our interior design company, one of the core services offered is architectural design process which involves creating space-planning strategies to optimize functionality, aesthetics and efficiency while creating distinct yet purposeful interior environments for our clients.

2D & 3D Visualization

Our interior design company offers 2D & 3D visualization, which transforms ideas into vivid images for clients to get a realistic preview of their proposed spaces before implementation begins.

Cost Estimation

Our interior design firm’s Estimation and Costing  service ensures accurate assessment and forecasting of project costs, in accordance with clients’ budget constraints and timeline.


one of our cornerstone services in interior design, involves personal meetings with clients to assess their unique design requirements and provide expert guidance as they embark on their design journey.

Interior Decoration

Decor Our design company’s core service for interior decorating focuses on improving spaces by blending aesthetic choices, colors, textures, and furniture to create visually appealing environments for our clients.

Interior Furniture Design

One of our featured services at Homescape Interiors, interior furniture designing involves crafting unique solutions that combine style and function in order to enhance spaces while meeting our clients’ individual preference


interior designers in eranakulam
Initial Consultation
Concept Development & Design
Construction & Execution


Budget Interior Design

Budget Interior Design

furniture design

Furniture Design

room interior decoration

Room interior decoration


Complete Customisation
Out Perfect 2D & 3D Design
Factory Products
On Time Delivery
Quaity assurance
Opportunity To Select Accessories
Best Pricing & Products
100% Customer Satisfaction


EV Interiors transformed my house into my dream home! Their careful attention and personal approach made the experience enjoyable; now I love every corner of my newly decorated space


EV Interiors deserves my sincerest appreciation! Their team brought my vision to life effortlessly from concept to completion; my experience was positive, and their results exceeded my expectations


“EV Interiors’ incredible transformation of my living space was simply remarkable. Their team’s creativity and commitment to quality were unmatched, transforming my home into an luxurious haven with their expertise.


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Frequently Asked Question

1. How can an interior designer save me money?

By doing things right the first time around and avoiding expensive mistakes. By working off a design concept and by carefully planning your project, we avoid making expensive mistakes, such as purchasing the wrong tiles, painting the walls in the wrong colour, placing the wardrobe on the wrong wall, installing the wrong type of curtains, buying a sofa that is too big for your space etc. It may seem more costly at first, but having to undo something, such as repositioning an electrical outlet or painting over a wall can quickly increase costs, let alone delay the project by several weeks.

2. What should I do before I contact an interior designer?

Start by asking yourself some questions: What do you expect from an interior designer? How involved would you like to be in this project? What’s the information you’ve already gathered for your project? Do you have a style and/ or a budget in mind? If you have worked with an interior designer before, think about what you liked/ disliked about this collaboration.

3. When you design a room, what is the most important interior design advice you give?

Think about the primary use of the room, and who will see it. Your bedroom is your haven and should be inviting to you. A living room or dining room that will be seen by many people is where you may want to make a statement. How do you need the room to function for you? People who have very little storage space may want to incorporate pieces of furniture that double as storage spaces. In an open environment, it is essential to have an interior design that flows from one room to the next.


Don’t settle for the ordinary. make your home extraordinary with our team of devoted designers. Begin the path to the dream house of your dreams!”